매일 영어 한문장

영어공부 Day 3) 하루에 영어 한문장 "hit the nail on the head" 핵심을 찌르다

-lucky 2024. 5. 30.

### Day 3: **문장과 표현**

#### 오늘의 문장:

**"He hit the nail on the head with his analysis."**

#### 핵심 표현: **"hit the nail on the head"**

- **뜻**: 정확히 맞히다, 핵심을 찌르다
- **사용 예**: 어떤 문제나 상황에 대해 정확하게 이해하거나 설명할 때 사용한다

### 추가 예문:
1. **The consultant hit the nail on the head with her recommendations for improving productivity.**
   - 그 컨설턴트는 생산성을 향상시키기 위한 추천 사항들을 정확히 짚어냈다.
2. **When she said that we need better communication, she really hit the nail on the head.**
   - 그녀가 우리가 더 나은 소통이 필요하다고 했을 때, 정말 정확하게 짚어냈다.

### 대화 예시:
**대화 1**
- A: "What did you think of the feedback from the manager?"
- B: "I think he hit the nail on the head. We really do need to work on our customer service."

**대화 2**
- A: "How was the meeting with the new project leader?"
- B: "It went great. She hit the nail on the head with her insights about our marketing strategy."

#### 비슷한 표현들:
1. **Get it right**
   - 뜻: 정확히 맞히다
   - 예문: She got it right on her first try.
   - 예문: His guess was perfect; he got it right.

2. **Be spot on**
   - 뜻: 정확하다
   - 예문: Your observations are spot on.
   - 예문: His prediction was spot on.

3. **Nail it**
   - 뜻: 완벽하게 해내다
   - 예문: She nailed her performance.
   - 예문: He nailed the interview.

#### 반대 표현:
1. **Miss the point**
   - 뜻: 요점을 놓치다
   - 예문: He completely missed the point of the discussion.
   - 예문: She missed the point of the joke.

2. **Be off the mark**
   - 뜻: 틀리다, 빗나가다
   - 예문: His assumptions were off the mark.
   - 예문: The prediction was way off the mark.

3. **Misunderstand**
   - 뜻: 오해하다
   - 예문: She misunderstood the instructions.
   - 예문: He misunderstood what I said.

### 추가 예문:

**비슷한 표현 예문:**
1. **Get it right**
   - The scientist got it right with his theory.
   - She got it right on the first attempt.

2. **Be spot on**
   - Her advice was spot on.
   - The weather forecast was spot on.

3. **Nail it**
   - He nailed the presentation.
   - She nailed every question in the interview.

**반대 표현 예문:**
1. **Miss the point**
   - He missed the point of the lecture.
   - She completely missed the point of the argument.

2. **Be off the mark**
   - The report was off the mark.
   - His comments were off the mark.

3. **Misunderstand**
   - He misunderstood the concept.
   - She misunderstood my intentions.

### 대화 예시:

**비슷한 표현 대화 예시:**
**대화 1**
- A: "What did you think of his solution?"
- B: "He hit the nail on the head with his analysis."

**대화 2**
- A: "Did you see her presentation?"
- B: "Yes, she nailed it! Everything was perfect."

**반대 표현 대화 예시:**
**대화 1**
- A: "Do you agree with his assessment?"
- B: "Not really, I think he missed the point."

**대화 2**
- A: "How accurate was his prediction?"
- B: "It was way off the mark."

